带浑天仪的地球仪, 卡斯帕·沃佩尔(科隆,1543 年)
Terrestrial and celestial globes and armillary spheres were important educational tools for illustrating the geographical, astronomical, and cosmographical concepts of the Renaissance and the Age of European Discovery. Terrestrial globes not only reflected the spherical nature of the earth but also served to document man's changing perception and expanding knowledge of the geography of the earth. Armillary spheres were demonstration models for teaching astronomy and for illustrating the earth's position within the universe.
This finely crafted and well-preserved three-inch terrestrial globe, within a six-inch armillary sphere, mounted on an octagonal brass base, is the work of Caspar Vopel (1511-1561), a teacher of mathematics in Cologne, Germany, and a scholar of wide cosmographical interests. Vopel skillfully drew by hand his portrayal of the earth's surface directly on the globe ball. Of particular historical interest is his portrayal of the uncertainty still prevalent in the first half of the sixteenth century among cosmographers regarding Columbus's contention that he had reached Asia. As shown on the globe, Vopel agreed with the school of thought that North America and Asia were joined as one land mass—a misconception that continued on some maps until the late sixteenth century.
Vopel's armillary sphere presents a model of the Ptolemaic, or earth-centered, cosmic system. The series of eleven interlocking and overlapping brass rings or armilla, some of which are movable, that make up the armillary sphere are adjustable for the seasons and illustrate the circles of the sun, moon, known planets, and important stars. The wide ecliptic band includes delicate engravings of the signs of the zodiac. It is interesting to note that 1543 is not only the year of the construction of Vopel's armillary sphere, but it is also the year Copernicus's theory of a heliocentric universe was published, a theory that greatly changed the design of armillary spheres.
1492: An Ongoing Voyage The Mediterranean World La géographie de la Renaissance: 1420–1620
可以看前15%的页面,综述部分可以看看。 大英百科全书天文学
直到 1496 年,由数学家和天文学家格奥尔格·冯·佩厄巴哈 (Georg von Peuerbach) 开始并由他的学生 Regiomontanus(约翰内斯·穆勒·冯·柯尼斯堡的拉丁名)完成的 Epytoma in Almagest(《托勒密天文学大成的缩影》)出版后,欧洲天文学才恢复了古希腊人的水平。
Moedas Portuguesas
Alberto Gomes
Code Gomes
Author Alberto Gomes
Title Moedas Portuguesas
Publisher Associação Numismatica de Portugal
Publication location Lisbon, Portugal
Publication year 2021
OCLC number 24671372
the Treaty of Tordesillas, Spain (7th June 1494),葡萄牙、西班牙划分子午线。
(EBAY有卖,US $17,500.00)
1509年 阿尔梅达摧毁了包括果阿和达布尔在内的印度西海岸港口。2月,阿尔梅达击败穆斯林联合舰队并摧毁了第乌(Diu),葡萄牙海军成为在波斯湾和红海的最强海军力量,使葡萄牙控制了前往印度洋的西北部航线。阿尔梅达将权力移交给阿尔伯克基。葡萄牙在马六甲设立贸易站。
1510年 阿尔伯克基占领果阿(Goa),果阿成为葡属印度殖民地的首府。
同年开始铸币1 Dinheiro - Manuel I Goa mint
果阿 锡兰 马六甲都铸造含有浑天仪的铜币。 贝伦塔(葡萄牙语:Torre de Belém),正式为圣文森特塔(葡萄牙语:Torre de São Vicente),是一座位于里斯本的16世纪防御工事,既是堡垒,也是里斯本的礼仪门户。